At 78 meters high, Hotel Okura Amsterdam towers above the canals and has been a prominent sight in the Amsterdam skyline for more than 45 years. After sunset, the hotel switches on its rooftop LED lights, illuminating the canopy and making it visible across the city. Because the building is such a remarkable presence, we often get questions about the significance of the colours displayed on our rooftop.


Maybe you have already seen some of the colours when passing by the hotel at night. These colours are related to the type of weather that can be expected in our capital for the next day. When we display the bright blue light, this means we can expect a sunny day. When the barometer is green, this indicates that poor weather is forecast for the following day. White indicates that the weather will be unsettled.

More colours

Use of LED lights makes it possible to make a wide range of colour combinations. During rare occasions or special events in Amsterdam, the barometer of the hotel can also show a rainbow of colours. On other national festive occasions, such as King’s Day, we colour the rooftop orange. These lights tickle the imaginations of many people. 

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