Unlock a world of exclusive benefits by joining one of our loyalty programs.
Hotel Okura Amsterdam offers two exceptional loyalty programs designed to enhance your stay: One Harmony and Leaders Club. Both programs provide members with exclusive benefits, special offers, and personalised services. Whether you are travelling for business or leisure, these loyalty options ensure that your stay is rewarding and tailored to your preferences.
Leaders Club is a loyalty program that offers distinguished benefits at over 400 luxury properties as part of the Leading Hotels of the World network. Members can enjoy exclusive rates, room upgrades, and tailored services, ensuring a luxurious stay every time. From day one, your stays will be made more meaningful with special recognition. Leaders Club membership is complimentary for everyone.
Enrol in Leaders Club and unlock access to luxury stays, personalised benefits, and enhanced experiences across the Leading Hotels of the World network.
One Harmony is a unique membership program that offers exclusive rewards and privileges across Okura Nikko Hotels and JAL City locations worldwide. Designed to enhance your travel experience, One Harmony allows you to earn points with every stay, redeemable for a range of benefits like room upgrades and dining discounts. The program is complimentary and easy to join, making it the perfect choice for frequent travellers.
Join One Harmony today and start enjoying exclusive discounts, point accumulation, and personalised perks every time you visit Hotel Okura Amsterdam or its global partners.
+31 (0)20 678 7111
Ferdinand Bolstraat 333
1072 LH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 678 7111
Ferdinand Bolstraat 333
1072 LH, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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